Paraíba Aquarium

Come enjoy Nature!


Marine Species Rehabilitation Center


An initiative aimed at supporting marine species

 Lixa Vivo Project wants to find out how many sharks there are in Paraíba and where they are


Support from the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Support

The sea is not for plastic


On September 16th, the International Beach Cleanup Day is celebrated.

how to support

None of us alone is as good as all of us together."

You can help us move this initiative forward by adopting one of the aquariums. The “godfather” offers a contribution, which can support the acquisition of materials necessary for the maintenance, conservation, research and related activities related to AQUÁRIO PARAÍBA. After confirming the adoption, you will receive a "Friend of AQUÁRIO PARAÍBA" certificate.

*Society of Zoos and Aquariums of Brazil



Olive Turtle being fed

Here's a special moment we captured in our aquarium: Our olive tortoise being fed! These animals are rare and charming, but they also face many challenges in the wild. Let's keep working to protect all marine species and preserve aquatic ecosystems for future generations!

The importance of sharks in nature

Sharks play important roles in nature as part of the upper food chain. They maintain balance in marine ecosystems by regulating fish and crustacean populations. In addition, sharks also contribute to the health of the oceans, helping to control the proliferation of invasive species and removing sick and dying animals. Unfortunately, many species of…

26 January – World Environmental Education Day

World Environmental Education Day has been celebrated on January 26 by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) since 1972. The objective is to make the population aware of the importance of environmental education and encourage actions to preserve and protect the environment. environment. Environmental education is key to ensuring the…


Who we are

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The Paraíba Aquarium is a complex of aquariums and environments that portray a diversity of living aquatic organisms (fish, elasmobranchs, crustaceans, molluscs, corals, among others) and existing biomes in the state of Paraíba. Being the only thematic aquarium in the State, with approximately 120 specimens belonging to 80 species of animals.



Rua das Lagostas, 140, Ponta do Seixas, João Pessoa, PB 58045-600



Phone : +55 (83) 2178-8405


TUESDAY-SUNDAY 09:00 – 17:00

HOLIDAYS 09:00 – 17:00
